Home office business owner


Discover insights and tips to help small business owners keep their small businesses not only working, but working safely.

Reducing Workers Compensation Costs With Healthier Employees

Reducing Workers Compensation Costs With Healthier Employees

Healthy employees are better for business by reducing risks of chronic diseases and helping to [...]

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Workers’ Compensation Claims Check List

Workers’ Compensation Claims Check List

Knowing what to do when the time comes to file a workers’ compensation claim is one of the most [...]

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How Long Do You Have to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

How Long Do You Have to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

After dealing with a workplace injury or illness the last thing you want to think about is filing [...]

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Three Advantages to a Pharmacy Benefits Program

Three Advantages to a Pharmacy Benefits Program

You can help reduce your workers compensation insurance premiums by going through a carrier that [...]

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Workers’ Compensation 101

Workers’ Compensation 101

Learn about some of the history and requirements related to workers' compensation [...]

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What is a Return-to-Work Program?

What is a Return-to-Work Program?

A Return-to-Work program helps workers who have been injured get back on the job. Learn how [...]

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State Spotlight: California Workers’ Compensation – Common Questions

State Spotlight: California Workers’ Compensation – Common Questions

Workers’ compensation insurance helps to protect business owners should an employee get sick or [...]

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Workers’ Compensation 101 Infographic

Workers’ Compensation 101 Infographic

Download our infographic to learn about some of the history and requirements related to workers' [...]

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Offsite Transitional Duty Program – Helping your Injured Employees Get Back to Work

Offsite Transitional Duty Program – Helping your Injured Employees Get Back to Work

EMPLOYERS offers an Off-Site Transitional Duty Program that provides short-term work assignments [...]

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Agents: What you and Your Clients Need to Know about Named Insureds on Workers’ Compensation Policies

Agents: What you and Your Clients Need to Know about Named Insureds on Workers’ Compensation Policies

The named insureds on a workers compensation policy are the people you want to cover. Learn what [...]

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4 Ways to Combat Workers’ Compensation Fraud

4 Ways to Combat Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Workers' Compensation fraud is a criminal offense that drives the cost up for everyone. Learn some [...]

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Four Things You Need to Know About Workers’ Compensation Premium Audits

Four Things You Need to Know About Workers’ Compensation Premium Audits

Even if you have run a business for a while, you may still have questions about the workers’ [...]

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