Man works in a kitchen as he cooks and takes orders

Take a Load Off Your Plate

Get automated payroll and workers’ comp plus business support.

EMPLOYERS® offers cost-effective workers’ compensation insurance and services to restaurants through our network of independent insurance agents. With over 100 years of experience, an emphasis on financial stability, and a commitment to helping hospitality workers in times of need, EMPLOYERS is the perfect provider for CRA members and Paychex customers.

Special Offer for Restaurant Owners

EMPLOYERS and Paychex have teamed up to integrate your workers’ compensation insurance policy with your payroll.

CRA Members save 5% on their policy

As a proud supporter of the California Restaurant Association, EMPLOYERS is offering all members a 5% credit on their workers’ compensation insurance.

View all CRA benefits

EMPLOYERS + Paychex benefits:


More accurate payments


Auto payroll processing


Better cash flow


Low minimum premium


Fair & efficient claim handling

Paychex technology and service solutions have simplified the complexity of running a business. By automating the time-consuming burden of payroll processing and taxes and strategically investing in workers’ compensation insurance to protect both yourself and your most important asset—your employees—restaurant owners like you can keep your focus on the kitchen.

Contact your Paychex agent or request a quote from EMPLOYERS for more information.


With our competitive pricing, EMPLOYERS remains focused on keeping America’s small businesses not only working, but working safely.

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Our automated small business payroll solution helps businesses focus on succeeding instead of getting bogged down in payroll processing and taxes.

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California Restaurant Association

One of the largest restaurant associations in America, CRA works to impact legislation that protects and supports your business.

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